MountainGate VDRo
MountainGate VDRo series of high capacity real-time uncompressed video disk recorders supports serial digital component and composite recording for video post production, broadcast, computer graphics, film to tape and computer graphics applications. Each model emmulates the Sony RS-422 machine control protocol and supports network, and direct high speed SCSI access to SGI workstations. Independent audio recording is optional. Storage capacity ranges from 3 to over 50 minutes of 8 or 10 bit 4:2:2 serial digital video to ensure the highest quality production. 525/625 line software selectable formats, full Ethernet support is standard. MountainGate also offers a full line of uncompressed High Definition (HDTV) video disk recorders starting at 3 minute capacities.
Harry Aine
Prod Mktg Mgr, Video Sys.